
22 MAY 2022

The Pitfalls of and Ways Around Transfer Addiction

The focus on recovery is more than not using alcohol and drugs; it is a journey to wellness. The goal of recovery is to achieve balance and get to the root of problems, to squash compulsive behaviors stemming from underlying factors. However, very often, people in recovery transfer addictions to something else and that can cause its own set of problems.

Addicts are susceptible to addictive behavior, be it narcotics and alcohol, or nearly anything else. People have addictions to cigarettes, candy, soft drinks - even running. Your primary goal should be sobriety, but it is also important to heal the addictive behavior and not replace drugs and alcohol with junk food, sugar, cigarettes, and other substances that can make you feel bad. These things are alright in moderation, but when the behavior turns compulsive, then it is addict behavior.

Hobbies and exercise are important aids in recovery, but dangerous compulsions can still form. Try to keep friends and family close and be mindful of their opinions. An outside party can be helpful to recognize compulsive behavior so don’t be offended and welcome help from loved ones. Seeing and understanding your behavior is the first step to striking a balance.

Recovery is all about balance. You can enjoy activities that distract you from drug and alcohol use, but maintain perspective. Try setting a limit on the amount of time you spend with your new hobby or activity, talk to your sponsor about these things, or reach out to a drug counselor. Keep a food or smoking diary to track how your day-to-day routine and behaviors are changing. Are you eating 15 lollipops a day? Is this your eighth cup of coffee today? Do you go through a pack of cigarettes in half the time? Remember - it doesn’t matter what you’re addicted to, it is the addictive and compulsive behavior that needs to be controlled.